
Not only do we specialise in printing and signage.

We can also provide custom and corporate clothing with your company logo!


Your company logo can go onto any clothing by utilising various methods such as, Embroidery, Digital print and cut, Vinyl Cut Lettering Screen Printing and Dye Sublimation.Logo application and images can be put on polo shirts, T-Shirts, Sweats, hats, Jackets,  Jumpers, Trousers, Aprons Uniforms, Hi Vis etc, you name it , just give us your artwork and we’ll work our magic!

  • Embroidery

Machine embroidery is an embroidery process whereby a  embroidery machine is used to create patterns on textiles. It is used commercially in product branding, corporate advertising, and uniform adornment. At Graphic Developments Pty Ltd we use in-house, the industry best of breed design software Wilcom embroidery studio to turn your logo into the best embroidery output for that garment and logo combination. We have up to 11 colour thread machine which can give you a fantastic amount of detail for your  garments. As we have embroidery facilities in house, it ensures a quick turnaround and no minimums required. For the larger jobs we have trade contacts in the industry that are tried and tested, that will give you both the turnaround required and the economy needed. Embroidery is the choice when it comes to style and function. It is long lasting and durable choice as it allows heavy machine washing, dry cleaning and be able to be put in a hot  dryer.

  • Digital print and cut

Digital print and cut is the process whereby images are printed using our Roland RF640 large printer using Eco sol max 2 ink onto specifically designed heat transfer vinyl media, that is then cut to size or contour cut a shape using our Roland GX 640 vinyl cutter. Once the excess is trimmed away we then use a heat press to bond the print onto your garment. This process is ideal for short runs and or quick turnarounds. Some images such as photos or many Photoshop effects can only be reproduced at the highest quality through this process.

  • Vinyl cut lettering

Vinyl cut lettering is the process of cutting out a vector design using our Roland GX 640 vinyl cutter. It is an alternative to most screen printing applications for line art and lettering. The coloured vinyl comes in a variety of colours and different medias to suit different applications. You don’t have to pay for any screen setup and wash ups any more. You don’t have to order large quantities to justify the setup costs.

  • Screen printing.

Screen printing your garments was the way to go years ago but with Developments in technology it isn’t your only choice now. Screen printing is ideal for larger runs of clothing where the economies of scale makes it cost wise, the way to go. Screen printing is also useful for shading effects in the artwork similar to a cartoon style images.

  • Dye sublimation

Dye sublimation is a process of transferring an image through  the process of heat. Special Dye sublimation ink is printed onto a specialty coated paper, once the ink has dried onto the surface of the paper, it is ready to be placed onto a garment made up of polyester or coated with polyester, then heated to specifications with a commercial heat press. This form of printing is usually seen on sporting apparel. The design usually printed on to material that is then sewn into a garment.